Sunday, February 27, 2011

Les Symbols des Couleurs

Les Symbols des Couleurs
Blanche comme le lune a minuit en ciel
Rouge comme le lever ou coucher de soleil
Bleue comme le ciel tranquille
Verte comme jardin calme plein avec de les herbres
Brune comme le ligne de coco arbres
Multicoleure comme Gods couvert avec le decors

Qui donc est aussi fantastique,
Est-ce un reve ou est-ce veridique,
C'est le un forme de meditation dans temple magnifique, 
Fermez les yeux et ecoutez le musique classique.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tips for French A1 Test

BONJOUR !!!!!!!!!!!

Questions for Oral Exam inclue:-

A)You go to First Room
You have to randomly pick 2 sheets from a bundle of sheets.
1)One sheet contains pictures of different products that you have to buy say attire for women(femme/homme)or flowers (different types so must know their name)
2)Other sheet contains 4 words.You have to Frame 1 question with each word s and pose those 4 question to Jury and they will answer for those questions?
3)and a rough sheet
You get 10 min preparation time for wrting answers on rough sheet for above two questions in point 1) and 2) above .

B)Next you are sent to Jury in Another Room
SO now jury asks these:-

1)First question is --->Presentez Vous? You have to present yourself what is your name where you stay where you work your hobbies and interests and your dreams and about your family.In between jury asks questions about your family from you? or from in between what you speak in presentez vous aanswers?

2)Second question is --->Jury asks you to Ask 4 questions of Point 1 of A) aove:-
I got these words

*)Metier:-Vous aimez votre metier?Pourquoi?
*)Colleague:-Quelles sont les noms de votre collegues dans la bureau?
*)Transport:-Quels sont le moyen de Transport dans votre pays?
*)Heure:-Vous avez a l'heure, Sil vous plait?

3)Third question is --->Achetez un produit du a magasin ?Buying some product from shopkeeper?

*)Say Bonjour (it is a must)
*)One Jury member acts as shopkeeper
*)What product you have to buy you already know from sheet
I got the topic "tenue" Point 2) in A)
Gents-Costume,Chausseurs----Specify Coleur,Taille,Model
*)Je voudrais acheter un costume pour moi commes sa ......
###)Quelle taille
*)....I dont remember---A1 level book

###)Quelle coleur

*)Quelle le prix pour ........
*)Vous acceptez carte de credit..
*)Aussi ,Je voudrais achete un costume pour mon mari comme sa ...
*)Ca fait combien
*)Merci (a must)
*)Auvoir,Bonjournee..........(a must)

==========================Now ORAl TEST IS OVER Relax....U have some time slot for written test..................

Questions for Written Exam inclue:-

Sample Paper Can be found in Internet for DELF-A1
1)Exrecise 1 -Listen to audio 2 times and answer some questions?Picture are there You can make out context from them

2)Exrecise 2 -Listen to audio 2 times and answer some questions?Picture are there You can make out context from them

3)Written Exam:-
*)One passage and questions follow?

a)Identity Card--Nom,Prenom,Profession,Date de naissane,Marital Status....

b)A letter inviting your friend for Picnic.Inform him:-
*) Format is important...

To Whom Date/Place


Bonjour Comment cava...



A bientot,
From Whom

*)Where/When is picnic...a la plage... a samedi prochain
*)How he can reach that place giving direction s and mode of transport to use..
prendre un autobus numero 23c du Adyar Arrete,
descendez du autobus a arrete de Besant nagar,
allez tout droit justqu la creme centre,
Tourne a gauche et alle tout droit jusqu du magasin FashionFolks...,
traversez la rue...Rue principal..
vous etes a la plage Besant Nagar....

*)Which all friends are coming?
j'ai invitee Ramya,Navneeth et Saundarya .
*)What all activities you will do there?
..Nous allons jouer a l'eau de la joue disk aussi ..
Nous allons mange gateau qui est preparee par moi,
Nous allons faire une promenade ou piscine
Nous allons bavarder beaucoup..
Nous allons aller a l'eglise qui est pres de la plage..

*)What you will cook and Bring?
Saundarya va prendre noodles et navnneeth va prendre idli .
Vous ... get ..quelque chose pour boire comme Fanta Thumps up etc etc si possible...
Nous allons passe le temps inoubliable...

*)Ask him for cofirmation
Confirmez avant prochain jeudi..
A demain...

Paper is simple only.
In oral remember.... Bonjour and Merci (2 poinst for each).
For written read question carefully to understand what it expects and then reply logically.



Story of Vishnus Avatar --- Pundarik Vithala of Pundarpur

Lord Vishnu and Narada Muni talking in Heaven
Lord Vishnu: Narada Muni ,” You should take avatar and go to Earth to help people suffering there “
Narada: “But lord I will fall in trap of worldly desires so I don’t want to go to Earth”
Lord Vishnu:”Don’t worry .If that happens Ill come to earth and bring you back to right path”
So Narada agrees and takes avatar and goes to Earth. There he becomes a rich merchant and takes peoples Gold jewels and gives them money.If they are not able to give money he keeps their things and uses their jewels. Soon he becomes very rich. He is always accumulating wealth from poor people and never donates money to poor.
One day when rich Merchant was at his shop a poor old man comes to him.
Old Poor man: ” Son, I am an old poor man.Please Help me by lending money for my daughter’s marriage.”
Rich Merchant: No I cannot help you.
Old man pleads several times but in vain. Then he moves to net shops .He keeps on collecting money from people I the city.
 Then he happens to go to house of Rich merchant. His Wife comes and greets him
Wife of Rich Merchant: “Would you like to take some food?”
She gives him food and he eats it and is happy with that.
Old Poor man: “Daughter, Please Help me by lending money for my daughter’s marriage.”
Wife of Rich Merchant :”I don’t have money .I have only this diamond nose pin that I am wearing .Please sell it and do your daughter’s marriage.”
Old Man thanks her, blesses her a lot and leaves .
He directly goes to rich merchant to sell the nosepin. As soon as Merchant sees nosepin he is shocked that it can be none other than his wife’s nosepin that he gave to her. He becomes angry that she gave it to him .He takes nosepin from old man and locks it in his Box .He tells old man to wait near shop and that he does not have so much money at his shop  So he would go to home and get money from there .
At home of Rich Merchant
Rich merchant: “Can you show me nosepin that you were wearing”
Wife of Rich Merchant: “Yes I’ll get it. Please wait”
She is very scared .She goes to Tulsi Plant and prays in front of it .She touches Tulsi plant and she is enchanting GODs matra to help her as to what she will tell her husband that she gave nosepin to someone without asking him.
When she is hugging Tulsi plant she  finds Nose Pin lying there .She hands it over to her husband .Now rich merchant is shocked. He runs to his shop and opens the locked box and finds there is no nosepin  in the box. Meanwhile old man has disappeared. He tries to search him but cannot find him. He realizes that GOD had come and tested him. He had come to show him Right path.From that day on he started helping poor people and donation money

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bramhotsavam 2011

17th Year Brahmotsavam (08.02.2011  to 19.02.2011)
Brahmotsavam is a festival celebrated for 10 days once in a year in South Indian Temples. Not all temples celebrate in the same month . In Tirupathi  it is always celebrated in September-October month. In Anantha PadmaNabha Swamy Temple of Gandhinagar Adayar,Chennai, it is celebrated in February – March months .

Diety in this temple is Called as “Anantha PadmaNabha” GOD Vishnu lying on Shesha Nag. This Temple is exact replica of temple in Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala.

Concept of Brahmotsavam
Every south Indian temple has two images of GOD. Main Image in Sanctum Sanctorum (Shrine)is called Moola Murti made up of STONE .It is fixed and does not move. This is First Image of GOD.
The second Image of GOD in every temple is made up of PANCHA Loha (alloy of Gold, Silver, Tin, Copper and Zinc).This is called as Utasava Murti. This image is taken in procession on Four Roads around the temple during the Bramhotsavam festival days. All 10 days GOD is decorated in different avatars and rides on different Vahanas(vehicles).

During festival days ,there will be one image of GOD is sitting on a jhoola (swing)in temple.You can push the swing and use fan as service to GOD. This is called as OONJHAL Sewa (OONJHAL means swing)

OONJHAL-HE is sitting on jhoola as HE would sit in BAIKUNTHA and it is called as PARAMPADANATHA

Day before festival starts , Ganesha is worshipped so that no obstacles come during the following 10 days of festival .In evening Ganesha is brought in Procession riding  on Mooshika(Mouse) (Alangaram means decoration)

On 1st day in morning on First day is Kodiyetram is done (Kodi means flag).Flag is raised in temple to announce beginning of this festival
In evening GOD comes riding on LION Vehicle so called as SIMHA VAHANA and GOD is decorated as Narasimha.
On 2nd day in morning GOD is decorated as SUN and is called as SURYA PRABHA
In evening GOD is decorated as MOON and called as CHANDRA PRABHA

On 3rd day evening,HAMSA (SWAN)( in Tamil ANNA VAHANAM )carries GOD dressed as Saraswathi with Veena.

On 4th day in evening behind GOD will be hoods of Sesha naag (serpent) spread out.This image of GOD is called as SHESHA VAHANAM

On 5th day in morning there is Garuda Sewa(Garuda means the bird,Brahmani kite, who carries Lord Vishnu)-GARUDA VAHANAM.

In evening there is Hanumantha sewa (SRI HANUMANTH  VAHANAM)where Hanumaan carries GOD and GOD is decorated as Lord RAMA.

On 6th day GOD is riding an Elephant decorated like GURUVAYURAPPAN and called as GAJA VAHANAM(Gaja means elephant).
Guruvayur is most famous Krishna temple in Kerala.
In temple there was a story enacted for Gajendra Moksha. Story->Once there was an elephant who daily without fail used to pluck flowers from a lake and offer to GOD.One day a crocodile caught his legs and he tried his level best to escape but could not.Then he started enchanting GODs name and GOD came riding on Garuda with his chakara ( Disc)to save him. Actually Elephant was some Devta in his previous janma and he was sent to Earth to suffer for some misbehavior. So he thanks GOD and returns to normal Devta form

It is called as THIRU THERmeaning Chariot procession.On this day GOD is taken for procession in a beautifully carved wooden chariot .People walk behind it chanting Vishnu Sahsranama.

On this day GOD will be standing in front of the PUNNAI  (TREE) MARA ..Punnai is the sacred Tree under which Krishna  used to stand and play the  flute in Brindavan.

GOD is decorated like Krishna as Pundarik Vithala of Pandarpur  in maharashtra with his wife Rukmani.Saint Purandaradasa has written 4 lakhs songs praising Pundarik Vithala and the saint says GOD is putting HIS Hands on his HIPS with gaps so that devotees can go and hug HIM .

This day GOD is representing KALKI avatar riding on Horse KUDHIRAI VAHANAM (Ashwa).When the world is going to end GOD is supposed to come riding on a horse to save Righteous people from Pralaya (Total destruction)

GOD is decorated as Vishnu with his  wives on his left and right namely Sridevi (symbolizing Prosperity) and Bhudevi(symbolizing Earth) .
Kalyana Utsavam means Marriage Celebration-Usually on 9th day  Marriage of GOD is celebrated in the Temple in the evening and after that procession of GOD and his wives  is taken out .On the way people offer sweets,sarees,dhotis and thali(mangala sutra ) for 2 wives of GOD. 

Whenever, Lord Vishnu descended on the earth,as an Avatara, Bhudevi and Sridevi also came down as his wives.For example,Bhudevi was Sita devi in Ramavatar and Sridevi and Bhudevi were Rukmini and Satyabhama in Krishnavatar.

Bala Krishna holding a pot of Butter.He is sitting in a palaki made of flowers.So also called as Pushpa Pallakku in Tamil.

 On the last day there will be THEERTHA VARI meaning Bath in the river or temple tank.Usually 1 priest will take the image of GOD'S chakra , called SUDARSHANA  Alwar and immerse it 3 times in the  river. (GOD’s idol will not take bath only his chakra)

After that  there is Kodyirakkam means taking down the flag after successful completion of the festival during  the  last 10 days
Priests who decorate GODs in all these days are presented gifts with GOD'S  Blessings.
People came out of there houses and took the blessings of the God every day around 8:00 a.m.and around  8:00p.m..

Popular singers of Chennai gave performances in the evening from 7:00 10:00 p.m. in the hall adjacent to the temple.  Very talented artists play ed Classical music  on a variety of Instruments like Saxophone,Violin,Mridangam,Morsing,Tabla,Ghatam,Kanjira  both as Solo performers and also as accompanists to the  vocalists . There was also a musical discourse by a very talented young lady on Saint Purandara dasa.
Some popular names include:-
Padmasri Dr Kadri Gopalnath,Tmt KanyaKumari,Sri Praveen Kumar,Sri B RajaSekar,Sri Rajendran, Sri TN Krishnan,Smt Visaka Hari,Sri TV Sankar Narayan,Smt Gayathri Girish,Priya Sisters(Smt Haripriya and Smt ShanmugaPriya),Malladi Brothers(Sri Ram Prasad and Shri Ravi Kumar),Bombay Sisters(Smt C. Saroja ,Smt C. Lalitha)

The bhajans were followed by applause of devotees in large number. and finally my favorite prasadam was distributed.

 This is a good way to increase spirituality as well as appreciation of classical music in the city.

Zeole Link:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ce que je veux et ce que je ne veux pas

Ce que je veux et ce que je ne veux pas

Marcher dans Spencer, je ne veux pas
Une chambre au Sheraton, je ne veux pas
Auto-Lancer, je ne veux pas
ce n'est pas pour moi, ce que je ferais avec ces
Je tiens à faire une promenade sur la plage

Aller au cinéma, je ne veux pas
Manger dans un restaurant, je ne veux pas
Danser dans une discothèque, je ne veux pas
ce n'est pas pour moi, ce que je ferais avec ces
Je veux l'amour, la joie, le bonheur
Je veux danser la salsa sur la place calme

Vivre la vie au maximum

"Vivre la vie au maximum"
chaque jour,

prends le temps de penser
c'est la source du pouvoir

prends le temps de le distraire
c'est le secret d'une perpetuelle jeunesse

prends le temps de lire
c'est la fontaine de sagesse

prends le temps d'aimer et d'etre aime'
c'est un privilege divin

prends le temps d'etre aimable
c'est le secret du bonheur

prends le temps de rire
c'est la musique de l'aime

prends le temps de travailler
c'est le prix du succes

prends le temps de te reposer
sans quoi tu ne pourras jouir d'aucun privilege



Qu'est-ce que cette vie si pleine de soins,
Nous n'avons pas de temps pour observer et s'émerveiller.

Pas le temps de se tenir sous les branches
Et regarder aussi longtemps que des moutons ou des vaches.

Pas le temps de voir, quand on passe bois,
Lorsque les écureuils cachent leurs écrous dans l'herbe.

Pas le temps de voir, en plein jour,
Plein d'étoiles comme le ciel la nuit Streams.

Pas le temps de tourner au premier Beauté,
Et regarder ses pieds, comment ils peuvent danser.

Pas de temps à attendre que sa bouche peut
Enrichir ce sourire ses yeux ont commencé.

A cette pauvre vie si, pleine de sollicitude,
Nous n'avons pas de temps pour observer et s'émerveiller.

---- William Henry Davis

La enquete en Saison

La enquete en Saison

Journaliste:Bonjour!Nous sommes des etudiants de niveau A-1
Pouvons nous vous poser quelques question?

Journaliste:Vous vous appllez comment?
Bibliothecaire:Je m'appelle Vijai

Journaliste:Enchantee Vijai

Journaliste:D'Accord .Premiere question:-Quelle est votre saison prefere?
Bibliothecaire:Je prefere l'hiver

Journaliste:Pourquoi aimez-vous cette saison?
Bibliothecaire:Parce-qu'il fait beau et il fait froid

Journaliste:Un bruit pour la saison?
Bibliothecaire:Je ne sais pas le bruit pour l'hiver.
Mais je n'aime pas le bruit de l'avion

Journaliste:une chose a manger ou a boire?
Bibliothecaire:Je mange des biscoittes avec du the.
J'aime le the chaud parce qu'il fait froid en hiver

Journaliste:Une emotion pour l'hiver?
Bibliothecaire:la joie

Journaliste:Une image pour l'hiver?
Bibliothecaire:vert -de l'arbre

Journaliste:Je vous remercie
Bibliothecaire:Merci.Je vous en prie.


french play by students of Level A1 batch

vous occupez de vos oignons ( mind your own business )
Happened long time ago like a place in Chennai where onion prices were on the high.

A person goes to buy vegetables from the market, and when the shopkeeper was unaware he stole some onions and hid them in his sack.

neighboring vegetable sellers noticed this and started shouting at him "The onion thief .. The onion thief"

vegetable vendors cried "voleur voleur" and took him to magistrate.

the person cried "help help I am not the onion thief!"
magistrate inquired "what is happening here?"
the vegetable vendor snatched the sack from the thief and
threw everything from the sack onto the ground.

the thief had noting to say as he had been caught red handed
when the onions fell on the ground.

magistrate announced his judgment

punishment1 : Pay 100 Rs fine
punishment2: take 100 lashes on your back
punishment3: eat 100 onions in front of all people

The thief thought for a moment and said
"I will opt for punishment 3 and began to eat the onions one by one"

after eating the first onion the thief cried. tears started coming down his eyes and he cant eat more. I will now opt for 2nd punishment please give me 100 lashes on my back.

after the 5th lash he started to cry again "stop! stop! I will pay 100Rs fine"

Then the people in the court cried "he is fool.. he is fool.. "

This play (taken from panchatantra) was enacted in "Alliance Francaise of Madras" in Nungambakkam by students of Level A1.